Homefront: The Revolution (G3D)

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    Homefront: The Revolution (G3D)

    Feels like an urban Far Cry with vibes of Deus Ex – liberating outposts with a bit of exploratory platforming. World design is nice and the gunplay feels good.

    While there are already Z3D cloud profiles, we now have a working G3D profile for Homefront 2. It still has some minor lighting glitches to sort, but all world objects are 3D as expected. I had to disable fog to prevent artifacts, and you may notice some decal/light-source swim due to mild FOV Enhancement. Ignoring that, things can look pretty impressive at times in this CryEngine based title. Nighttime in the rain amongst the search drones is stunning.

    The full-body presence and animations do well for immersion. Default weapon model placement felt a bit high, so I’ve raised the vorpX camera to my preference. This changes aiming down sights, so adjust vorpX height modifier if it breaks your weapon of choice.

    – FOV setup open: C:\Users\(user)\Saved Games\homefront2… game.cfg
    edit lines to 80:

    cl_defaultnearfov = 80
    cl_fov = 80

    – 4:3 resolution recommended for Rift (1920×1440)
    – turn off TAA anti aliasing and motion blur
    – set all Shadow related graphics settings to Low

    *Reduce vorpX FOV Enhancement if light/decal swim to bothersome
    *Adjust vorpX height modifier for preferred aiming
    *Scaling down HUD can misalign some UI effects
    *Hide HUD elements in game settings
    *Zero key to holster weapon

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