How can i make disable wmr controller during game?

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion How can i make disable wmr controller during game?

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  • #206444

    When I turn on the wmr controller during a game, the xbox 360 controller doesn’t work anymore.
    To be more precise, it doesn’t completely stop working, it just loses priority to the wmr controller.
    How do I prevent the 360 ​​controller from being the second priority during a game?


    Per default controllers VR operate in keyboard/mouse mode, which may override gamepads. You can switch them to gamepad on the VR controller page of the vorpX menu. That way the won’t interfere with native gamepad handling.

    However, for some games they have to work in kb/mouse mode. Whenever a game does not allow mouse and gamepad input at the same time (quite a few games work that way) and you want mouse emulated head tracking, vorpX can utilize it’s built in gamepad to mouse/kb wrapper to resolve the conflict.

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