Per default vorpX doesn’t change anything, but there are games where it can automatically change game settings to optimize them for vorpX. Whenever that happens you see a notification in the headset and, more importantly, can revert these changes in the config app under ‘Restore Game Settings’.
In addition to that vorpX *may* occasionally install hook helpers to game folders as a trouble shooting measure. These don’t do anything unless vorpX is running, so as far has hook helpers are concerend you can easily switch between vorpX and monitor gaming simply by closing vorpX. You can remove potentially installed hook helpers in the config app under ‘Remove Hook Helpers’.
If you don’t see anything on either of these two pages in the config app, vorpX hasn’t made any lasting changes to games in your case.
When you do a factory reset or uninstall vorpX, all game settings are restored and all hook helpers are removed at once.