How many games do you have installed ?

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings How many games do you have installed ?

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    Google didnt have an answer to my question “how many games/programs” can Windows7/8/10 take, so i wonder how many games do you guys have installed at the same time without breaking/slowing down windows…


    I currently have ~2.1tb of games on a 3tb disc, and a couple on ssd. I don’t see why more will slow the OS down. Cleaning redundant entries from time to time and general maintenance should keep things snappy.


    How much is that in games ? I got about 200 installed so far without any noticable slowdown. I got firefox hanging up my pc recently a lot, but that should be caused by somthing else.


    Just curious why having tons of games would slow down windows? I mean, of course having tons of anything would slow down the registry and such, but games in particular? Is there something to that?


    I do not have any clue how windows handldes this. If Windows for example reserves a certain amount of memory for each installed application you woul run out of memory some day.

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