How to bring blurriness down in Call of Cthulu 2018?

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings How to bring blurriness down in Call of Cthulu 2018?

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    Hey everyone,

    It was on sale for the steam sale so i picked up Call of Cthulu 2018 and there is a profile made recently that is supposed to have G3D and positional tracking – anyhow, it works… but the game is absurdly blurry and just washed out, like cant see intricate details i know the rift is capable of showing, this isnt screen door, just legitimate blur to everything.

    i have turned off blur options in the game and messed around with Anti aliasing in game via nvidia control panel and messed with antistropic filtering and still extremely blurry

    anyone have a tip of how to bring the blurriness down?

    thanks for your time!


    I don’t have the game, but see if using higher resolutions help, and turn up the vorpx sharpness in delete menu if you haven’t already.

    If blurriness is only present in G3D (gone if you switch to Z3D), maybe a run through the shader tool could find a blur filter to hide.


    Thanks for taking the time to respond, gonna give those ideas a shot and see what i can make happen. Fingers crossed!

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