How to completely undo Vorpx changes?

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    I recently installed Vorpx and tested it out with Rocket League. I tried changing many of the settings but I couldn’t get a fast enough frame rate. I decided to just go back to playing Rocket League the old fashioned way, but now my graphics appear to have a very jagged low resolution, even when everything is set at 1920×1080.

    I tried to see if there was an “undo” option in Vorpx to switch everything back to the way it was, but I had no luck. I also tried uninstalling Rocket League, but the graphics still look very jagged and low-res. Any help would be appreciated.

    Here is a screenshot of what it currently looks like set at 1920×1080:
    Turned on as many smoothing settings as possible but the image quality is still pretty jagged.
    direct link to image:


    If vorpX changes game settings automatically, you can restore the prior state in the config app (“Restore Game Settings” page).

    However, for Rocket League vorpX does not change any game settings automatically at all, so there is nothing to restore in this case. So all I can recommend is checking the games’s options menu for any changes you may have made yourself.


    Solved my issue. I’m still not sure how it happened, but my TASystemSettings.ini file located in …\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Config had a bad setting that couldn’t be corrected from within the in-game menu. I deleted the file and restarted Rocket League and everything finally looks how it should.

    Before the problem began, the frame rate and head tracking was terrible when Vorpx was running. I adjusted the graphics settings in Rocket League while I was using Vorpx at the same time to try to increase the performance, but I could never get it to run well enough. That’s when I started to encounter the weird jagged graphics issue.

    Wish I could get Vorpx to run smooth enough though. I figured a GTX 1070 and a 4GHZ 8-core cpu with 16GB of RAM would perform well enough for a game like Rocket League.

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