How to create a profile, tutorials?

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    I’d like to create a profile for stronghold: warlord, but how to to that?


    The fact that a user has to ask this question shows that there’s a discrepancy between the availability of proper tools for getting games to run in VR/stereo3D and the state of the documentation.

    So, being very interested in the topic, i gotta second this post.


    You will be not be able to get the documentation to create dx12 profiles or dx11 G3D profiles from the scratch, that is the company secret of vorpx.

    But you can fork existing profiles and ask Ralf for additional pages of the vorpx in-game menu to edit your profile. You can also use the shader authoring gui, to deactivate particular shadows for example, or other graphic effects. The shader authoring gui is not as complicated as it looks like.

    It’s learning by doing !


    Yeah, i already tried the authoring GUI, but i only could *find* the shader in question. But, for example, how do i fix the wrong z-depth of it? I don’t want to disable it, i just want to tweak it to display at the proper depth.


    so, I don’t make you the video, but I do it for you written the tutorial.
    first go to this site and look for the game you want to create the profile, qi you should see the graphics engine with which the game is developed and the api it uses (dx9 dx11 right 12)
    once found go to this site
    here you will find the games divided by graphic engine, select an engine to understand which existing profile you can go to modify.
    open vorpx
    click on the vorpx icon at the bottom right of your desktop and go to local profile or cloud profile and look for a game that uses the graphics engine you are interested in, click on the name of the game and then click on the option on the right “create new profile based on this one “, Type the name of the game in the box that appears and then click on create.
    once created, select the profile and click on add file, and select the executable of the game you are interested in.
    Two considerations. Lately the games are mostly made with unreal engine 4 and unity, but beware, if the game only works with dx12 you have to use the cyberpunk 2077 profile regardless of the graphics engine with which the game is developed.
    Some games developed with dx12 can be launched in dx11 by adding the command -dx11 in the properties of the link of the executable and in this case you will have to create a specific profile of the game engine, I hope I have explained myself, I am Italian and this post has been translated with google translator.


    Thank you for your help. It was not what i asked about, but i still found some useful tips in your explanation.


    If you want to change depth settings, press the DEL key in-game to bring up the VorpX menu, and change the 3D depth there among a host of other settings. If you want to make a profile for a game that doesn’t have one yet, you have to copy an existing profile that uses a game engine like the game you are trying to get to work and tweak its settings from there.

    There is also some good documentation in the VorpX config app; “help overview”, “essential hints”, “1-2-3 game setup”, “quick reference”, and “custom resolutions” in particular.


    No, i just wanted to change the 3D depth of a single shader. Maybe i wasn’t clear enough in my post above.


    You must ask at vorpx customer service the key for shaker authority


    “Shaker authority”? Hehe. I know what you mean, but it’s still funny. :)

    On a serious note though, i found out that using Depth3D instead of VorpX completely removes the issue. The tradeoff of G3D for newer games is just too big with all those broken shaders. Removing shadows just breaks the visuals IMO and for me it breaks immersion.


    it may be the game but so far you cant do that in the new version. no profile no adjust. stereo selection is disabled and just defaults to lite 3D if it does even hook to the game.

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