This is about the very often experienced crashes with Starforce Protection drivers together with vorpX. (Mainly with older games) This is not about circumventing copy protection !
Starforce: If you experience a crash right after or while the disk is beeing checked do the following:
– Rightclick on the VorpX taskbar icon
– select “Pause Watcher”
– Start Game
– While game is starting watch the protection driver window saying something like “checking disk”
– WAIT a few seconds until the progress bar reaches the middle or the right third of the window
– Rightclick again on the VorpX icon
If your timing was good, VorpX will hook right after what causes the crash and the game will run.
If not repeat the steps above
Note: This has nothing to do with fooling the copy protection drivers, with the procedure above you just enable VorpX a little latter then usual which obviously can make some games work again.
Other Protection Drivers will be tested some times later.
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