How to limit what Vorpx tries to attach to?

Homepage Forums Technical Support How to limit what Vorpx tries to attach to?

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  • #220995

    Hey, I was wondering if there is any way to limit what games Vorpx tries to attach to rather than having to try to build out an exclude list it would be nice to be able to specify that it only attaches to a known list of games. Thanks!


    The exclude list is the way to go here.

    You can however easily pause vorpX entirely from its tray icon’s right click menu. if you can’t see the tray icon, click the little arrow to the left of your taskbar clock.


    I was wondering if there was some way to do it with leaving the Watcher disabled and then using the Create Desktop Shortcut option but it seems, from what I can tell that the desktop shortcuts don’t work with the watcher disabled?

    Alternatively do you happen to know if there is some way to programmatically enable / disable the watcher or add wildcards to the exclude list?


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