I’ve just purchased Vorpx to use it with some titles. Between these there is World of Warcraft cause i really want to visit Azeroth in 3D. I’ve read a lot of post in this forum but no guide how to make it works.
I’ve installed Vorpx. Started. Launched Warcraft form executable, Vorpx start to attach wow.exe (wow64.exe doesn’t exist anymore) but nothing it doesn’t starts. What i’m doing wrong?
I’ve to start Steam VR instead of Oculus rift software?
BTW I’ve Win10.
Thanks in advice for your help.
And sorry If i missed some post regard wow.
I’ve tried again and vorpx is stuck in “attaching wow.exe” and nothing else.
Even vorpx desktop viewer is not working. I can see the oculus app loading screen inside my rift with “wait…”
vorpX only works correctly with the current WoW build that can be launched from the Blizzard launcher. In that case everything should be configured automatically.
I just used Vorpx with wow-64.exe for 4.3.4 (pretty old expansion) and it attached correctly with 3D (each eye with it’s own image, or 3D SBS), you say 3D won’t work. Do you mean G3D? Or what would be the difference?
I am getting 60 fps which is nice though the graphics are a little old, but good enough for vr, my only problem is the fov.
tsilliev is playing WoW:WOTLK, or Wrath of the Lich King. It was the 3rd expansion, and heavily used in private servers. I think it is client version 3.3.5, and before WoW had a 64-bit client.
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to get VorpX to attach to this same client. I kinda suspect it just won’t work.