Today i was playing with the settings i mentioned above. Wasnt still not much satisfied with it and tweaked up and down all day.
In this game headtracking can be tweaked but it takes a very long time to find good settings. So i thought in vorpx something like “headtracking speed” or “headtracking gain” or a “headtracking shift value” could help finding the right scale beetween where headtracking takes effect and the max. turning angle. In this game you must turn mouse sensitivity way down plus headtracking sensitivity to reach a smooth headtracking, on the other hand the angle you can turn your head is very low. – Turning values back, very easy bring back shaking into the headtracking.
I am not shure if i understand “head tracking latency” right, this setting doesnt seem to have any effect in this game, does this value prevent from headtracking taking effect “too early” or what does it do ?
Just an idea , i would guess other games behave like this one too. This one is using the UN3 engine.