Howdy, VorpX? And, by the way, where's my registration key?

Homepage Forums Installation and Registration Support Howdy, VorpX? And, by the way, where's my registration key?

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  • #95732


    I have waited for more than 48 hours but I cannot see any sign of my registration key at the horizon.

    Sent two email to support team,
    one from TBird,
    one from the contact form.

    Now I signed up to the forum and instantly received the confirmation email, so NO – there’s no spam filter blocking your emails.

    I don’t know your labor hours, neither the volume of traffic you handle daily, but I never experimented such a slow communication / activation of a product, even from the worst game keys websites.
    IN EVER.

    I can assure you that I hope to have no technical problems with your product, or it could become an odyssey.

    could someone look at the register |at| vorpx com email and send me the registration code?

    Thanks in advance.



    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Your key has been sent twice to the mail address you used to register to the forum: Wednesday, about five minutes after you sent your request, and a second time yesterday as an answer to your contact form message. I sent it a third time shortly ago.

    Please double check your spam folder!

    If you can’t find the messages there, please contact us again with an alternative mail address.

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