HP Reverb G2 and F1 2021

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    I tried the F1 2021 profile with my HP Reverb G2, but when i move my head to the left or right (yaw) the display rotates. Is it possible to switch off the headtracking in vr and connect the headtracking of the yaw (left to right) to the key binding in F1 2021 to move the camera to the left or right? (with a controller its the right tumb stick).


    Can’t really say much since the game is not officially supported. I have the game, but didn’t have a chance to check it yet.

    However: F1 2020 and 2019 are supported and work very well. Almost fully automated setup and decent head tracking utilizing the game’s TrackIR support. With a fast GPU (RTX3080) and medium deteil you’ll be able to run them at almost stable 90fps.

    I know, playing with last years drivers and cars is lame, but currently that’s the best recommedation I can give if you don’t won’t to tinker. I’ll take a look at 2021 in the not too distant future.


    if you didn’t find a solution, you need to start a game (a race, time trial, something), then go into settings -> tobii eye tracking -> turn on IR tracking.

    You MUST start a game to do this.

    The performance seems very inconsistent in this game for now though, and particles seem to really tank the FPS. I’d recommend turning that to low or off if possible (no idea if off is an option).

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