HTC Vive Help

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    I received my HTC Vive two days ago and I also bought vorpX. My monitor is a TV connected to my GPU via HDMI and my Vive is connected to the GPU via Displayport. When I try to launch a game, an error message pops up on my monitor saying “vorpX could not initialize your headset. It reported: HMD detected over USB, but Monitor not found (208) This is a SteamVR error. Please try to restart SteamVR.”
    I have restarted SteamVR multiple times, but I get the same result. I have tried launching multiple games, again same result. In the vorpX config I have HTC Vive selected. I am confused and frustrated. Any help would be much appreciated.


    Not really sure what to recommend here. As the message says, this error is reported by the SteamVR runtime when vorpX initializes it. Only things that comes to mind are:

    1. Check the HDMI connection.
    2. Check whether SteamVR is running and the headset is set to direct mode in the SteamVR options. vorpX does not work in extended mode.


    It turns out this is an Nvidia problem. The 1080’s Displayport does not work with the Vive currently. I was told by Nvidia that this issue is “currently being looked into” and it will be fixed in the next driver release, although they would not give me a time frame when I asked. Quite frustrating when you spend $700+ on a GPU for VR as its main purpose and it cannot even work with one of the two main VR headsets. Such is life I guess.

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