I bought it, how long do you normally have to wait for code?

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion I bought it, how long do you normally have to wait for code?

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    I bought vorpx 24 hours ago, how long do you normally have to wait for code?


    Hi Adamoknight,

    please take a look at the e-mail(s) you got. They have a link to an installer and tell you what to do to get your key after you installed vorpX, which usually shouldn’t take very long.

    If you have further questions, please write a mail to support |at| vorpx com.

    Hope this helps.


    i didn’t get any emails other than the one from papal saying that the transaction is complete?


    Then you might have entered a wrong e-mail address in the order form. Also please check your spam folder. You should have received two automatic mails and a reminder after a day or so.

    Please write to support |at| vorpx com with the name you used for the purchase and ideally your Order-ID, so that this can be sorted out. We cannot solve this on the public forum unfortunately.


    On the final step of the order screen, it does say that you should make an email to support |at| vorpx com with your Name, Email address and the code on the registration screen that comes up at first. If you didn’t send that email and are waiting for an automatic “i’ve paid now send me my code”, I don’t think it will send one as they need the registration key that is generated by the software based on your hardware information.

    I sent this and had my code in like 30 minutes (GREAT service Ralf, really impressed with your customer service skills):

    To: support |at| vorpx com
    Subject: VorpX Regisration

    Name: [First Name] [Last Name]
    Email: [Email Address used to pay with]
    Serial #: [Serial copied from initial screen when loading vorpx]

    Just replace everything with the [] brackets with the information you use and you should get a response back quickly, depending on time you do it. I think he does it himself and I doubt he’s a machine and needs rest sometimes.


    I have a bizarre (and possibly stupid) question: I downloaded the installer, extracted, and there was nothing in the folder O_O …I’ve tried a few times, downloaded the installer again…still don’t see it when I extract…..Anyone know what’s up here?


    Nevermind. Repaired the archive and that got it going.

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