the 40 bucks i mean it should continue to upgrade and update vorpx oneday they may be able to port all the games right now it is not worth the 40 bucks but i do not mind paying u can play any game on their list in their virtual cinema that is cool but fallout new vegas works not to bad it is worth the 40 to play a big open world game like that i love people because Jesus loves me
i took advantage of the steam sale to tryout games on the vorpx first game fallout new vegas it worked not as good as a oculus rift supported game but many vorpx options to tweak if u want the vorpx presets probably the best but every other game including bioshock infinite all worked the same fine in 2d or the vorpx cinema non vr gaming it was really blown out and magnified in vr like all the other games except fallout new vegas i love people because Jesus loves me
Please guys. I wasn’t sure whether this is serious or not, so I left it open in case someone wants to add something useful. Otherwise it’s probably better not to comment.