[SOLVED] Im sick of this program HELP ME

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion [SOLVED] Im sick of this program HELP ME

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    This program doesn’t work. It has leaked into many of my apps and now they are unplayable. I have deleted the app. the effect remains the same. The screen is fucked up blue and red. Have tried making my skyrim a program thats excluded, but the effect of red and lue is still there, making it so my game cant be played. my rift is off. I tried uninstalling the program to no avail. This program has rruined my gaming LIFE. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET RID OF IT SO I CAN PLAY MY GAMES


    Kinda sounds like you have 3dvision discover(anaglyph) setup in your Nvidia control panel. Vorpx wont hook if it isn’t running, much less uninstalled, even more less in anaglyph red blue since it doesn’t do that.


    I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE IT. ive had this problem for a month and youve fixed it! Theres still a slight red colout over everything but the game is playable now!! Do you think theyd let me redownload vorpx?


    Glad this was solved so quickly.

    If you exit or even uninstall vorpX and your games are not displayed like normally on a monitor, it’s certainly not vorpX that causes your issue.

    If you need another download, please send a mail to support |at| vorpx com.

    I removed the swearing from the thread title as this is against the rules. Please mind your language.


    Its just that the problem arose as soon as I first launched vorpx, so I assumed it was this app tat was causing the problem


    One last problem, There is still a red haze over my screen slightly. Like a red glow comes off everything. Any ideas on colour correction fixes? And how can I make skyrim look the best> It looks kinda weird/blurry/red glow


    ANd yeah I recovered my vorpx from a web installer I had downloaded:)


    I don’t know what the red glow is, maybe you have an ENB running that uses a red filter or some other graphic mod. There are lots of posts related to Skyrim settings. If you read them all that will give you a good starting point to start your own tweaks.


    Thanks but yeah, no enb here bud, just climates of tamriel. Did a fresh install recently so Havent gotten around to enb

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