Image follows eye movements

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    Am playing Arma 3 and cannot get headtracking to work. The screen follows my eye movements. Any help with settings appreciated.


    Sorry, not eyes but image follows head movements.


    I haven’t played Arma 3 but I fixed a similar problem in Dragon Age Inquisition.

    In DAI, the issue came from the fact that camera movement was actually bound to a key. In the normal game, you don’t move the camera by simply moving the mouse, you need to hold right-click while you do it. While using a first person mod with VorpX, not using the mouse caused the camera to simply follow my head movements and stay centered in front of my eyes at all times.

    Turns out it was a simple toggle that I just had to deactivate in the settings to fix it.

    You should check your settings and key bindings to see if the camera is linked to a similar key.

    Hope it works!


    All fixed now thanks. Does arma 3 have VRDirect Scan Option do you know?


    No, but there is something even better for Arma III: You can enable TrackIR input in the game’s options and use OpenTrack with headset input and TrackIR output. That even provides independent walk/look. Make sure to turn down the vorpX head tracking sensitivity to 0 when you do that.

    Incidentally the next vorpX version (due next week) fully automates this process for Arma III, so if you can’t make it work, you just have to wait a few days.


    Ok thanks.


    Sorry, just to clarify do I require the track ir hardware as well as the open track software?


    OpenTrack can use either SteamVR or Oculus headset input and translate that to TrackIR. Just select SteamVR/Oculus as input, TrackIR as output and hit start. The next vorpX got delayed a little, but it won’t be long anymore. It does that completely automatically for Arma III.


    That’s good news. I have a Pimax 5K plus. Everything is great other than the very shaky headtracking and almost impossible to centre the view. The headtracking works but it’s very juddery. I wonder if I zoomed out a little that may help.

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