Infinity Ward (COD-Series) IW 8.0 Game Engine?

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    I am currently on playing COD:VANGUARD with vorpX-Desktopviewer but i´d feel better making it hook to the game. Now i read some guys had success with using the CYBERPUNK profile to make vorpX hook on COD:V.

    I am about trying to use the CP profile on COD:V within the next hour but meanwhile i am having another question:

    There obviously ain´t any profiles for games using the IW 8.0 Engine (it is only the latest few COD-Titles), so are there users who made vorpX hook to games with this engine (with the CP-Profile or others?) plus i am about starting to play COD-BLACK OPS:COLD WAR soon which is also based on IW 8.0, so for the latter…any luck with this one and does the CP profile works on this one too?


    I confirm COD:VANGUARD successfully hooked with using the CYBERPUNK profile (official, first one in the list).

    So guess COD-BLACK OPS:COLD WAR shouldn´t make any problems as well.

    As a sidenote: No clue why this is happening with a few titles on vorpX´s desktopviewer, but as with COD:V, WOLFENSTEIN II and ZOMBIE ARMY 4, there are troubles looking like vorpX is kinda “throwing me out of the game” onto the desktop (visible on the monitor screen!) while vr-goggles turn black and vorpX still running in the background, then when i click the game taskbar-icon again i land in the game again and so i am getting thrown back to the desktop again right away, with vr-goggles once again turning black and that “throwback” being visible on the monitor screen.

    With WOLFENSTEIN II and ZOMBIE ARMY 4 it happened all the time, while with COD:V it only happened during certain menu-screens and actually not causing any trobules during gameplay! Those games all have different Engines so it´s a miracle to me why this is happening on vorpX´s desktopviewer while most games work flawlessly there.

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