Installer stalls repeatedly

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  • #123674

    I’ve spent > 10 hours installing a 44.1 MB file – is this normal? I’ve calculated that on average I’m getting < 300 bytes per second … I’ve restarted the download due to the stalling several times – the most I’ve downloaded in a single burst is 18.52 MB – after which the installer stalls and refuses to continue – even when left unattended for > 1.5 hours….
    Typically however downloads are not even getting into double digits – these still require > 1 hour to download – even though its < 10 MBytes …
    I paid my money – I was really looking forward to trying this product – somewhat disappointed that you can’t even supply a decent server to download from – currently looking for alternatives – I’ll keep trying to download – but if I haven’t received my product within 24 hours of purchase – expect to hear back from me asking for a full refund :(


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    Again the installer stalls – I’m not even going to restart it this time – its been ~ 11.5 hours now since I purchased – and have had no luck at all with the web install. Please either email me the proper installer – or I will be back later in the day asking for my money back….


    I finally managed to get a version of vorpX to install but am now facing this message …

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    … since it won’t update until it finds the HTC Vive which it can’t find cause this is an old version, I am forced to try downloading the WebSetup now for the 13th time, I’m not feeling lucky, nor do I have much hope of ever getting this app anymore, but I will once again start the download.


    4. Refunds

    You can get a refund for a digitally purchased vorpX license before we sent you an activation key. After the first activation is key is sent no refunds are possible.

    I can also legally get a refund if you are unable to supply the paid for product regardless of these terms and conditions – which I have not had to agree too – since I have not obtained the product – regardless of you giving me the activation key or not…


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    yet another stalled attempt to download – 12.5 hours 10 of which I have dedicated both my connection and machine to downloading the 44.1 MB file – which I still have not received…


    It might be best to wait a few hours and then try again. There may just be some temporary network issue somehere between here and you that causes this. When downloading here it takes 10secs., there also are no other reports of such an issue currently, so it’s definitely not a server problem.

    Also check whether you may have some security/VPN/proxy software or something similar installed that may have a negative impact on download speed.

    Might also make sense to contact your internet provider, maybe they are aware of any potential issue.


    Thank you for your reply; and sorry if I’ve been worked up, it brings me relief to now know this is only a localized incident; I would say if it was generally this way – vorpX would be a sinking ship.
    You have – temporarily – restored my confidence with just a few simple words, I will do as you recommend and see if I can track down the problem on my end.
    I think it is mostly my eagerness to use this product today on the 16th of December – as today is also my 42nd birthday, again apologies for – well – the hostility :P
    I kinda hope I fall in with the rest of the community at a later date, over the hours I’ve looked at alternative products, such as Virieo Perception, and while free, I would rather a paid for product backed by a professional team, so, just crossing my fingers now, hoping as you say this is just an isolated incident…


    Indeed, I owe you a full apology, after resetting my modem, and rebooting my computer, the download is already finished…
    :embarrassed: please excuse me now while I hide under the bed…

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