FOV scanning appears to be broken with the current Skyrim SE build, I was made aware of that just yesterday. Probably it’s not in the memory range anymore that the scanner expects. I’ll see what I can do, might only require a profile update. If so I’ll upload a database update within the next few days.
For the the time being open the game’s console with the ‘~’ key (the key below ESC) and type ‘fov 112 112’ (without the quotes). Confirm with enter. Alternatively you can switch to good old DX9 Skyrim, with the added benefit of much better performance.
Hint: If you switch to DX9 Skyrim and happen to be on Windows 11, make sure to use vorpX 24.1.0 (link on the front page). DX9 performance on Windows 11 is severely degraded with the last regular build.