No, you can run games at any resolution you want with vorpX.
1440p will typically look quite good, but if performance allows for a game go as high as you can. For an optimal experience you can add resolutions to your PC that it does not support normally, check the ‘Custom Resolutions’ section in the vorpX help for a detailed step-by-step guide. This method works with basically any game.
For Resident Evil 7 specifically it’s even easier than that since the game has a render size multiplier in its options menu. Per default vorpX sets it to 1.3, but you can try someting higher unless that hurts performance too much. Can’t recall currently how the option is called, but should be easy enough to spot in the game’s video/graphics options.
BTW: high resolutions can be further enhanced by applying some mild sharpening in the vorpX menu.