Is map-shift broken on Oculus Rift CV1 ?

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    When using the gamepad emulation, I can’t get map-shift working even though the option is enabled and the controller visualization shows map-shift where the grip-button is on the left touchpad controller…also when I turn off swap B and Y, the B button does not work on the right touchpad controller, I have to turn on swap B and Y and then B only works with the left touchpad controller. I tried saving the settings and restarting vorpx and even rebooting…still having these problems.


    After doing some more testing I finally got the map-shift to work but I had to press it extremely hard and extremely quick. It seems as though Vorpx needs to treat the grip button as depressed at about 50% instead of 100% because even when I get it to work and keep pressing, it will revert back to the normal map! The sensitivity for the map-shift-grip-button on Oculus Rift CV1 needs to be adjusted for much easier engagement than it currently is now with latest

    I’ve also tested Oculus First Contact and my grip buttons work perfectly for picking up stuff and dropping them. The Vorpx Gamepad swap B and Y option is still not working when OFF.


    Is it equally difficult for you to trigger the right grip action or is it just the left one?

    I raised the grip action threshold on Touch to 0.85 or 0.9 (can’t remember currently) due to complaints every once in a while that it was too easy to trigger the grip action accidentally e.g. during an intense fight.

    The full range coming in from the Oculus runtime is 0.0-1.0, so even considering some deviations between controllers every device that is halfway in order should easily reach 0.9 one would think. Worked fine with both sets (1 original, 1 Rift S) of Touch controllers I have here at least.


    Ralph : Is it equally difficult for you to trigger the right grip action or is it just the left one?

    Yes it is equally difficult/inconsistent to engage. I hate to say it, but maybe you can provide a percentage threshold to engage the grip buttons? Also don’t forget the swap B and Y buttons OFF option is not working verified with bionic commando rearmed, B shoots grapple only when swap B and Y is ON.


    Please reinstall vorpX manually. I lowered the grip action threshold a bit again to better account for controllers that might not work as expected. There are far too many settings already, so no more settings unless unavoidable.

    I’ll check your swap issue later. Now it’s Sunday for me too. :) Can’t remember to have changed anything in that regard. For now please leave it on, controls usually make more sense that way anyway, hence it is on per default. If you absolutely need to swap the buttons back, you probably can do it in the game options for now.


    Ralph, I ran the Vorpx Web Setup manually and installed and I can’t thank you enough for your quick fix…now both grip buttons engage at about 95% but not requiring the exact 100% (or felt like 100-101% before) which is absolutely perfect! You are definitely one of my personal saviors and for many of us VR enthusiasts allowing us to play many favorite games in 3D cinema like Sonic Racing and Trine and Inside and Unravel, you are doing God’s work making us happier than we would have otherwise been without you! As a token of my gratitude for *your* talents, I share with you some of mine like everything else take what you find beneficial, ignore whatever isn’t. Looking forward to the eventual Swap B and Y OFF working after your restful weekend.


    I also retested the SWAP B and Y OFF with Bionic Commando and it works! Maybe I needed to do that manual reinstall after the last automatic update? Whatever the reason I’m glad all is working properly again, and thanks for the prompt support!


    I’m also having this issue, lucky if my map-shift works 10% of the time with CV1, hopefully tomorrow it will be Rift S, if it arrives.

    I sent a request to re-download, hope that was the correct thing to do?


    Thanks Ralf for the download link, Web Setup re-install worked great, map-shift working perfect.


    Ralf, an update came today, and the map-shift with Rift Cv1 is near impossible again. How can this be fixed up?


    No worries, Rift S arrived today, and those controllers work just fine.

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