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- This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated Dec 23, 2022 8:57am by
Dec 12, 2022 at 8:24pm #214139
Happily fu**ing Steam and fat fu** Gabe Newell still aren´t the center of gaming.
I knew it, i knew those a-holes were making HALF-LIFE:ALYX just to show off they can do sumthin “great” if they want, even if that means they still don´t have the balls to do HALF-LIFE 3 and even if they don´t care about VR one tiny bit after all.
So this move by Steam lately, obviously shows that they´re probably ready to dump VR after all.
May that fat fu**tard rot in hell.
I am aware this is not really a vorpX-exclusive related thread, but this may be of interest to some people here and if not, feel free to erase it, no problem.
Dec 13, 2022 at 12:37am #214143Ralph
ParticipantI worry about vorpx, Ralf didn’t tell us a plausible reason why we have still vorpx 21.3.2, and i guess Ralf has received a legal warning and Ralf is not allowed to update vorpx.
The same in Helixvision, it hasn’t got an update since June 2021, and they didnt’t want to tell me why ! Paul Dusler was the developer of the 3dfixmanager and this was the back end of Helixvision, and guess that he left the team last year.
And RealVR has a received a legal warning and has to delete all 2K game mods,too. He released the Cyberpunk, Eldenring, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy 7 and Ghost Wire Tokyo Mods in 2022, and that’s it. I think that he wants 130€ per year for this small list of games is ripping off the VR Fans.
I hope that the new Geo3D, Geo11, Depth3D will shake up the scene and we will survive this crisis !
Dec 13, 2022 at 9:49am #214144ToxicMike
ParticipantI worry about vorpx, Ralf didn’t tell us a plausible reason why we have still vorpx 21.3.2, and i guess Ralf has received a legal warning and Ralf is not allowed to update vorpx.
The same in Helixvision, it hasn’t got an update since June 2021, and they didnt’t want to tell me why ! Paul Dusler was the developer of the 3dfixmanager and this was the back end of Helixvision, and guess that he left the team last year.
And RealVR has a received a legal warning and has to delete all 2K game mods,too. He released the Cyberpunk, Eldenring, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy 7 and Ghost Wire Tokyo Mods in 2022, and that’s it. I think that he wants 130€ per year for this small list of games is ripping off the VR Fans.
I hope that the new Geo3D, Geo11, Depth3D will shake up the scene and we will survive this crisis !
Honestly if it comes to VR-exclusive titles, i´ve almost sold my vr-gear already years ago, leaving vr and not even looking back to it.
Just before selling my gear, i was actually trying to play games on a virtual theater screen and THAT was what got me hooked to VR after all, so basically i am playing all my games on vr-theater screens now. The only problem was, free software such as Bigscreen-Beta caused much troubles (stuttering, crashes etc.) so it was vorpX what saved me again, coz there haven´t been those issues.
So believe it or not, i am actually using my vr-goggles with almost every gaming-session today, on a daily basis of course.
Now if i can´t continue playing regular games with vorpX or even other similiar products, while being forced to play those few and actually great vr-exclusives, then VR is good as dead to me coz i will not keep my gear for those few vr-exclusives being released every couple of years.
Sad and tragic, such a thing would be.
Dec 13, 2022 at 11:57pm #214154moarveer
ParticipantI’m pretty sure PSVR2 is going to shake things a bit more, imho we’re in something similar to a console “end of cycle”, Quest 2 is 2 years old so games that never looked that good now are horrendous, developing for PC is costly and PSVR1 is completely outdated now, so we’re in some kind of limbo right now. PSVR2 is going to open the VR market of several million devices with high powered console behind it, so it’s going to revitalize the VR space and many new games developed for it will end arriving to PC too, at least that’s what I’m hoping for.
Also, Apple incoming VR headset could make the whole scene explode if it has some interesting gaming capabilities and gets mass adoption.
Dec 14, 2022 at 3:46am #214157Ralph
ParticipantI don’t blame Sony anything, if the PSVR 2 will show the Quest 2 fans how ugly and simple their mobile game are, than that will be the last chance for a comeback of PC-VR, for the upcoming years.
The Quest 2 killed the development of many PC-VR games, and the prices of the other Headsets with a HDMI or Displayport were a way to high.
Also that you can’t play many games with Mid-End-PCs in VR was a big problem. If the company’s integrated eye tracking like tobii and we get a frame boost of 30% performance, then we will be able to play the most of the games with a mid-end-pc.
Microsoft started to sell crap WMR Headsets in 2017 and withdraws offended, and did the same with Reverb G2 for now, because of the high price of the Reverb G2.
But it’s still my favorite headset.Valve with Index did the mistake to use 3K Displays instead of 4K, and because of the missing inside out tracking the price was a way to high. But the Fov and the quality of the Headset is great.
Meta wasn’t interested in vr gaming, Mark Zuckerberg is interested in an metaverse, like Facebook 2.0. The reason why he hyped and invested billions of dollars in VR games is a Facebook 2.0 on not VR gaming.
The prestigious of our tools like vorpx and the other is not good enough. We have to get much louder and more aggressive to the native vr gamer. The experience in the games with a VR headset does matter, and not the use of motion controllers, only. The beautiful 3D graphics and the Full-VR in First Person games of vorpx and the depth and complexity of realy good 2D Triple A games are at least as good as Half Life Alyx, which is the best native VR game in my opinion.
Everyone of us can try to convince our whole family to try Vorpx with a xbox controller on Christmas days for example with a a racing game seated on a chair or couch, and try to convince that they talk about that to their friends.
Dec 14, 2022 at 8:16pm #214164ToxicMike
ParticipantPSVR2 is going to shake things a bit more
I am always forgetting about that one LOL, so you got a point there.
Dec 16, 2022 at 11:29am #214180moarveer
ParticipantAnd also, imagine that 1) PSVR2 gets either official or hacked steam VR support, and 2) Half Life Alyx comes to PSVR2. That would make it sell several more millions of units.
Dec 16, 2022 at 5:02pm #214181TheLastStarfighter
ParticipantSomeone will write VR hacks or it will go underground and FLiGHT and Razor 911 will take care of the rest. The Dolphin VR mod was unofficial and will never be legal but that didn’t stop the guy from building it a bunch of social justice retards did.
I think Luke Ross is a bit of a prick tbh. Patreons $15 subscription? I can’t stand that bullshit. Adobe did the same thing when they became overly greedy fux. People used to build mods for FREE for the love of gaming. Check out XWING ALLIANCE VR Mod, the game is 21 years old and the fan base was so dedicated they upgraded the game and made VR for it for nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I feel the VorpX purchase was absolutely worth it but I’d be pissed if it went to subscription. Maybe Ralf can start building his own VR OS that circumvents those dickwads.
It would be stupid for them to abandon VR but stupid seems to be the flavor of the day. If we still have a functioning economy in a years time I will be surprised. I think the west hit the pinnacle of it’s technology lads, its all down hill from here for us. China or Vietnam will be the next user base to rise up and start developing the next set of major improvements in computer tech. The Asian countries are still having kids while ours is going right down the sh1tter. 70 million extra men in China than women, you’re nuts if you think they won’t be building the next VR apps. Gaming there is on an entirely different level and it’s gone largely underground [where the best stuff happens].
Dec 17, 2022 at 3:58pm #214195moarveer
ParticipantI don’t agree with this, I’m quite happy that Luke Ross has enough support that he can afford constant development in VR mods, tons of great stuff is coming from his work, so I’m glad with that. Besides, with one single payment you get all the mods he’s done, so you get a lot for those $15.
On the other side, is quite clear the business model behind Vorpx is not working, and for that reason we barely see updates, even though Vorpx is inmensely superior to Luke Ross mods, with hundreds of supported games, and a huge amount of options to configure every game to your needs.
You call him greedy? You’re greedy asking for everything in exchange of nothing and even being proud of it, that’s true greed. I’m all for people getting paid for their hard work. He asks for the incredible amount of $15, that would let you play many AAA games in almost made for VR form. That’s truly cheap.
Can you imagine that Ralf could make a living with Vorpx? Can you imagine the amazing profiles, improvements and technologies he could create? It’s quite clear he does not earn enough money, and this amazing software feels like it’s dying to me.
I already suggested Ralf he went the Patreon model but he didn’t like it, he took the right decision with single-game profiles, I wish he went by a ‘temporary exclusive single profile model’, where patreon supporters could get a single game mod-like profile just like Luke Ross, then maybe after 3 months or so, that profile would be included in Vorpx for everyone else. Freelechers would be happy, people dying to play a game in VR would be happy, and he’d probably earn a lot more money to support his development. I hope he finds a way to make it work, because Vorpx is amazing but feels abandoned.
Dec 17, 2022 at 11:20pm #214201ToxicMike
Participantwith one single payment you get all the mods he’s done, so you get a lot for those $15.
Well that sounds good…
Patreons $15 subscription
…uh-oh!? LOL
So is this that kind of subscription you cancel as soon you downloaded all the stuff you wanted, or can you only access the virtual goods as long as your subscription is active? The latter would mean it´s actually not that cheap at all then.
Subscriptions always leave a bit of a foul taste, no matter what.
Dec 23, 2022 at 8:57am #214263Michelangel0
ParticipantSo this move by Steam lately, obviously shows that they´re probably ready to dump VR after all.
May that fat fu**tard rot in hell.
I am aware this is not really a vorpX-exclusive related thread, but this may be of interest to some people here and if not, feel free to erase it, no problem.
No way.
Valve is working on a new headset.What you see there is SIMPLIFICATION.
There is no need to mention the Trademarks of supported hardware, as if games will tell trademarks for other hardware on the descriptions. In any case the headset trademarks can be mentioned in the required hardware as there is already happening with other hardwares.
So VR supported or VR only is the feature of the game, simply to read and understand.
You worry too much.
About the numbers, Quest 2 has it’s own market and is the leader in VR and keeps growing, Pico 4 is the same, PSVR is already the same and now is reaching a 2nd Generation with PSVR2.
So…. instead of seing only steam, there are plenty of markets now that keep growing.
VR is unique, right now is like a PREMIUM GAMING SOLUTION. You pay an additional hardware in your gaming rig, for a PREMIUM “BE INSIDE GAMES” EXPERIENCE. (ok, maybe not all games are premium sure, but my point is that nothing beats the same premium game with VR than without VR) -
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