Is there any list of Positional Direct VR games?

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    Positional Direct VR games are just perfect to me.

    I cannot play games use other settings.
    However , Only game I know is fallout New vegas and other bethesda games.
    many of games that in Ralf’s Direct VR game list are not support Direct Position tracking.
    I cannot buy and test all of them. Maybe I can make Full Direct VR list
    If you guys help me. Please leave comment which one is Full Direct VR game.


    thank you very much, that’s exactly what I want !!!!! thanks!


    Check this:

    This is massively useful, thank you!
    I hope this list gets maintained – bookmarked for reference.


    This list is neither actively maintained nor is it even remotely accurate.

    You can enable positional tracking in any Geometry 3D game, ~90% of the officially supported games. If it’s not enabled per default, it probably introduces visual glitches (most of the time with shadows). There is no harm in trying though if you are too sensitive to motion sichness to play with 3DOF tracking.

    The according options can be foound on the head tracking page of the ingame menu whenever G3D is active.


    Check this:

    I found something that not right.
    I tested Metro 2033, but it doesn’t support positional direct VR.
    Am I wrong, or is the chart wrong?
    There are no position option in the tab after direct VR scan.
    and also movement is not tracking correctly.

    And TES IV : Oblivion , position tracking is very good, there is no problem in tracking. but sky ball is moving with my view. that’s only issue I have found so far.


    This list is neither actively maintained nor is it even remotely accurate.

    You can enable positional tracking in any Geometry 3D game, ~90% of the officially supported games. If it’s not enabled per default, it probably introduces visual glitches (most of the time with shadows). There is no harm in trying though if you are too sensitive to motion sichness to play with 3DOF tracking.

    The according options can be foound on the head tracking page of the ingame menu whenever G3D is active.

    Ralf, thank you for the great works. I’m enjoying Fallout : New Vegas in VR with VorpX. It’s really almost seamless experience. Very close to native support.

    I don’t like 3DOF experience not only because of motion sickness, the reality feeling (sense of present) is very lacking. feels like I’m looking at very wrong warped 3D screen. Not enough to call it VR.

    I have found issue that not match with the public list. Metro 2033, TES IV: Oblivion . How can I report this and update the list?


    The list is not an official list, it is neither actively maintained nor accurate. Oblivion should have positional tracking per default. Not 100% sure about Metro 2033 currently. Like said above, if positional tracking is disabled due to potential glitches, you can enable it on the head tracking page of the ingame menu for any Geometry 3D game.


    The list is not an official list, it is neither actively maintained nor accurate. Oblivion should have positional tracking per default. Not 100% sure about Metro 2033 currently. Like said above, if positional tracking is disabled due to potential glitches, you can enable it on the head tracking page of the ingame menu for any Geometry 3D game.

    Well , HT position tracking doesn’t work good to me. feels like it’s not match up 1:1. I’d tried to set it up perfectly, but it’s never get be done.

    I just hope many new direct VR position tracking game are coming up. :)


    There isn’t really any difference in regard to unit mapping between both modes, and in regard to input latency the ‘normal’ positional tracking even has the edge compared to the DirectVR mode since it is applied at the latest possible point in time directly before the geometry gets rendered.

    The only real drawback of the ‘normal’ positional tracking is that, especially with mouse based rotational tracking, it should only be used for small movements like peeking around a corner or similar things, not for walking around. If rotational DirectVR is available for a game, even that restriction in most cases doesn’t have to be followed 100% strictly.

    BTW: you rarely (read: almost never) should have to tweak the multipliers.

    TLDR: If you stay in place or play seated and re-center head tracking occasionally (ALT-SPACE or the according menu button), the ‘normal’ positional tracking is as good as DirectVR positional in regard to unit mapping and about half a frame better in regard to latency.


    Yeah, I think unit in the games are not matched with my VR system when I use non positional Direct VR.
    How to set it correctly?

    Also some games are too much blinking. it feels like large delay for follow my head position. I’m using Pimax 8k and set the option same as your request. what should I do if such issue is occurred? It’s not FPS problem. CPU usage seems be not that much high.


    Even though I tried to set rotation turning scale as 1 to 1, It still feels unnatural to me. feels like the scene is always moving with me slightly.

    I never succeed to make them nature as much as positional direct VR.

    If you have any suggestion game for me test up, I will do it. You are THE DEVELOPER of the tool, So I trust you, these tracking system are not much different. But the problem is it feels completely different to me. positional Direct VR is very much close to native support. other settings, these are not good.

    Maybe I can try a game that use exact same setting as you suggest. Then maybe I can change my mind.


    moarveer, Could you tell me Who is the maker for the chart? I want to report him, some issue, he might test.


    I can’t really do much more than trying to explain the technical facts like above, sorry. If you feel the units do not match in a particular game, you can try to carefully change the positional strength multiplier. That should very rarely be necessary though. Please also reset the profile(s) in question to default in the config app if you already tweaked them a lot. With the huge amount of tweakable options available it’s fairly easy to do more harm than good by tweaking.

    TLDR: If you stay in place or play seated and re-center head tracking occasionally (ALT-SPACE or the according menu button), the ‘normal’ positional tracking is as good as DirectVR positional in regard to unit mapping and about half a frame better in regard to latency.


    thanks you for reply.

    I hope more game support(especially Positional Direct VR)in the app. thanks!

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