Is there any way to choose which modes are tied to the grip button?

Homepage Forums Technical Support Is there any way to choose which modes are tied to the grip button?

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  • #185639

    Great program. I love the way the grip button quickly toggles between modes.

    I’ve been playing most games in cinema 3D mode but would like to occasionally toggle to VR mode to act as a first person camera. Is there a way to do this?


    The closest thing to this would be playing in FullVR while being in EdgePeek mode. Then you can toggle between FullVR/EdgePeek anytime.


    Yeah, i pretty much play ‘everything’ in ‘full vr’ and just use the grip to pull the view out to check stats and hud but then zoom back in. Some of the games you can move the huds around in full vr which eliminates that need, but not nearly all of em have it.

    But ya, i do full VR and when i have something ‘off screen’ i need to see, tap the grip, get the info, hit grip again back to full vr

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