Is there not a Vorpx 3D Media player? I tried VLC and MPV but not in 3D

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Is there not a Vorpx 3D Media player? I tried VLC and MPV but not in 3D

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    Is there not a 2D to 3D Media player that Vorpx can convert on the fly like Tridef3D did 10 years ago with their 3D Media player? I looked up and saw profiles for VLC and MPV but its just puts you in a virtual room, and screen. But it doesnt play in converted 3D… unless theres a setting to play them from 2D to 3D?

    The only player known to do that right now is the 12 year old Tridef player if you have a 3DTV.
    Anything for us VR users? Is there not a 2d/3d converter out there that would work on Vorpx?


    Kodi can 3d Blu-ray convert to SBS on the fly, with a little compression of 10%, but it works great. Otherwise you can watch SBS mkv’s from dubious circles with the vorpx desktop viewer. There is 3D Player from a competitor of vorpx, i don’t know if the link will be deleted by Ralf. “”. In my opinion the combination of all these tools give the best result for watching 3D-Blurays on VR Headsets.


    Im not talking about watching already 3D movies on Blueray.. Im talking about watching normal 2D videos that converts them into 3D with Depth. 2D-3D conversion player. Not already 3D Blueray movies. I have Virtual Desktop which plays SBS fine. But there is not a player that converts normal videos to 3D on the fly? in 2010 Tridef and Nvidia 3D Player had their own 2D to 3D conversion over 13 years ago! Nobody has it now? Not even Vorpx? The future of watching normal 2d movies/videos that plays in 3D looks glum. Perhaps Vorpx should work on a 2D to 3D Media player.


    I saw some tools in the past, that want make this possible. But the Quality was so bad, that they stop the research in the section.


    I will see if I can get Tridef 3D player to work on Quest using Viritual Desktop


    You can get Tridef on Reddit. The company is completely dead and doesn’t care about copyright and do not delete links.

    But the Result you will get is a the same that every mid-price 3D TV can show you on the fly.

    Even Star Wars: Episode I 3D – The Phantom Menace in cinemas was a big flop because they converted the movie by the technique that you want to reactivate. And this was a multi million dollar project, but everyone was disappointed about the 3D Effect.

    Thus it could be funny to play around with this things, but do not expect too much from this technique !


    It’s expensive, but Owl3d is supposed to be great.

    Pretty sure they have an app for the Quest2 that converts on the fly too. check their Discord, plenty of samples uploaded.


    Cheapest way to 3D any movie on any screen is use one lense of sunglasses over one eye as you watch a movie, any scene with moving things will feel 3D, only downside is vision will be a little messed after 1-2 hours of watching like that since 1 eye will get used to darker vision and will need to readjust back. But it works, you can test it on this video


    Be careful, it is technical nearly impossible to get good results with an on the fly conversion !

    Hollywood Studios invest billions of dollars to make hand made 3D conversions to get good results !

    You will get 3D yes, but it will be boring after 5 minutes watching the movie. You will not have any benefit of this kind of 3D !

    The Reason, why games can be rendered in VR 3D, is because the whole image is build in geometric physical and mathematical way on the fly by the CPU and GPU.

    But Movies are only 24 flat pictures played in one second, nothing is rendererd or build by the PC it’s just a “Photo Collection” played in 24 pictures per second !

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