– Cyberpunk 2077 (with VR mod, it was the main reason why I bought vorpX), but played maybe 1 hour, because it zooms view and very uncomfortable. Tried change settings but didn’t get good result.
Try to change 3D reconstruction mode from DirectVR to Z-normal. I have a very bad feeling with DirectVR, but it is really nice with Z-normal (even if 3D is slightly less nice). I don’t play in FullVR mode, but rather in Immersive mode with Mouse/KB/PAD. I use a 4:3 resolution, and ajust the screen zoom to be on the edge of my left/right vision.
– Fallout 76, same as Cyberpunk 2077;
I don’t play Fallout 76, but my Fallout 4 setting are similar to Cyberpunk.
I have not tried other games yet.