Just bought for HTC Viveā€¦but it doesn't work?

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    Just bought VorpX because it said there is HTC Vive support. However, after installing, and trying to run The Witcher 3 in Steam, vorpX message box comes up and says “vorpx could not initialize your oculus rift. It reported:” And it didn’t report anything…I don’t own a Rift, it’s the HTC Vive. I just downloaded it, so it should be the latest version which has Vive support.

    Any help here would be great.


    Okay, got it to work – had to go to general settings and make sure Vive was the selected hardware as it defaulted to Rift.

    However, I’m still having issues with The Witcher 3 which is a supported game. It doesn’t launch in 3D mode…just a big screen?


    Witcher 3 probably defaults to cinema mode because it is 3rd person game.

    Push Delete key in game to open the vorpX menu. Turn Cinema mode to off if you want to play fullVR. There is also the option to change/disable 3D also. You’ll probably want to keep in on Z-Normal for best results.

    handy hotkeys:

    Delete to open and close menu
    Mousewheel click to edgepeek/zoom out
    Alt+Spacebar to recenter screen
    Alt+F to display frame rate



    Thanks man, I’ll try that tonight when I get home.

    Also, those hotkeys are very helpful. Was trying to figure out what my FPS was.


    Cinema mode for Witcher 3 is pretty bad. Everything seems to be very close to your eyes… 3D mode is even worse. Since its not a first person game the aspect of camera rotates from the point of Garrett, even worse than Cinema mode.

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