just purchased

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  • #124056

    I have never before purchased software with such complicated installation instructions. I can’t even figure it out. You ask me to e-mail you some sort of code that is supposed to be in the license dialog? I find no request code, no license dialog. Plus you suggest I make a backup of the installer since it expires in 3 weeks. How do I do that? I purchased the software, I installed the software, but nothing works since I can’t figure out how to jump through all your extra hoops. I reread both your e-mails several times. There is nothing called a request code. Nowhere! And as far as licensing dialog? Really? Can you be more vague? Please help, or refund, seriously this is frustrating beyond belief.


    where is it. I’ve read the e-mails several times. There is nothing called a request code that I can find.


    Over an hour after purchasing this software and I still can’t use it. No response to my e-mails and no response on the forums. And yet I see Ralf is posting. I can’t be the only person that doesn’t see a REQUEST CODE anywhere in the body of the e-mails sent since purchasing this software. What a crummy system for activation. If this is the way activation goes, I really think I’m going to hate trying to actually use this software.


    Sorry for needing a little bit of time to get back to you, it’s Sunday here too.

    The request code is shown in the dialog that appears when you start vorpX after installing it.

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