Kingdom Come – 3D depth disappears using the bow

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  • #192672

    I’ve noticed that when using the bow for combat in the game, the “3d-ness” goes very flat. (its still there somewhat, but very very little) When you put the bow away, it goes back to deeper 3D.
    Any fix for this? Its a bit jarring to lose 3d when in combat.


    Never heard of this before, but maybe the game changes some projection parameters when you aim with the bow. If the game zooms in when you aim with the bow, the behavior would be perfectly normal. Same as taking a photo with a telephoto lens. More zoom (less FOV), less depth.


    Unfortunately its not aiming thats doing it (there actually is no aiming or zoom), its just holding the bow in your hand and walking around. Just having it equipped flattens the world out which is really weird. If it was aiming, I could understand.
    Maybe have a peek next time you are in testing mode to see for yourself.
    I am running reshade alongside vorpx, which works fine together, and I’ve tried disabling some effects which does nothing to help. Perhaps I need to completely uninstall it from the game to test fully, could it be interfering in some weird way only when you equip the bow? From what I know, reshade doesn’t selectively work that way.


    Please remove Reshade and let me know if the issue still occurs afterwards. As much as I’d like to, I can’t really check issues that might just as well be caused by an intefering mod.

    I would also need a savegame. IIRC Kingdome Come is a pretty slow game, I don’t think I will be able to play until I get a bow. You can send the savegame to support |at| vorpx com.

    On a general note: removing mods, especially mods that hook into the render pipeline, should always be the very first thing to try in case of issues. Best avoid using anything that also hooks into games together with vorpX in the first place, that always bears a certain risk of causing major havoc.


    Sure I’ll uninstall it and give it a full bare-bones test first.
    I wasn’t sure if you maybe had some monster machine set up with 800+ games and 100 save games each, installed on its 80tb SSD drive, ready to test anything at any time or not. ;)

    Kidding aside, I’ll let you know what I find, and can send you a save game if its for sure a VorpX thing.

    PS: Don’t spend too much time on it. Its not a huge priority item, as the game is still very playable as-is. Just mentioning it for posterity, or in case it was a quick fix I was missing.



    Boatloads of games installed: Yes. Savegames all the way through for all of them: No. Unfortunately my time-decelerator broke irreparably a few years back. ;)


    Nope its definitely a vorpX thing. Again, a fairly minor thing, still quite playable. So I wouldn’t bother fixing it unless you have too much time one day. :)


    Did you already send your savegame? I didn’t receive anything yet as far as I can tell. Can’t really check this without a savegame far enough into the game to have a bow equipped. The game’s savegame location is [Your User]\Saved Games\kingdomcome\


    Checked this with a savegame from the internet now. For some reason the game ‘compresses’ (for the lack of a better word) the depth buffer when you use a bow, resulting in a reduced 3D-effect with Z3D while you have the bow equipped. May be done to have some depth-based effects applied in a different manner, but that’s just a guess.

    Nothing vorpX can do about that, but switching to G3D should get you rid of the effect.

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