So I gave the game a try with a clean install and even after using DirectVR, everyone looks extemely small, like dwarfs or hobbits. I remember trying the game a while ago and this wasn’t an issue, anyone else noticed this?
Lower the 3D-Strength setting, like most settings in vorpX 3D-Strength is not a more-is-better setting. The higher the 3D-Strength (separation), the smaller the world seems to be, that’s how stereoscopy works. In official profiles base parameters are typically dialed in to provide realistic stereo 3d/world scale with 3D-Strength at the default 1.0.
I tried it, also lowering the FOV to the mininum (50), nothing seemed to work too well, it was like my character was a giant. Also I didn’t touch a thing on the Vorpx config, clean KCD install, booted with Vorpx, Alt+L for DirectVR = Hobbiton. Either it’s something related to Pimax 8K or I can’t say, but i tried the games a few months ago and it was perfect just with DirectVR.
By the way this game had me fooled at first with z3d, then you notice the halos and deformations here and there, but it really does a fantastic job, it’ll probably be the first game I play in z3d since I can really push the config really high and still it gives a solid 3d effect, and looks mindblowing at near 3k res and some config tweaks.