The game is quite heavy and in need of optimization, but damn it looks good in G3D. I’d highly recommend trying it in Cinema mode to anyone however. Because its so heavy, the lower fps might be brain melting otherwise. Unless you run it with lower settings. But in Cinema it runs amazingly on medium on a 980ti.
Nothing beats that full G3D.
The 3D is almost perfect with this game. I turned shadows off in the Vorpx menu and upped the FOV and its a very pretty game with Vorpx. Like the story line so far..parents just got killed..Taking my sword practice very seriously now. Devs plan to have their game open to modding…looking forward to whats coming. Good job Ralf.
The 3D is almost perfect with this game. I turned shadows off in the Vorpx menu and upped the FOV and its a very pretty game with Vorpx. Like the story line so far..parents just got killed..Taking my sword practice very seriously now. Devs plan to have their game open to modding…looking forward to whats coming. Good job Ralf.
Are you also playing it in Cinema mode? My 970 is struggling with Kingdom Come on medium settings. I’ll try killing shadows too. What FOV did you settle on?
Just a heads-up for casual bystanders: the FOV in KCD is handled by vorpX and adjusted to perfectly fit the headset. Unless you want to achieve some special effect, there is no need to do anything manually in regard to FOV.