kingdom come deliverance

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    this game is going to be released on 13h february this year, it’s made with cryengine, so i’m wondering, what are the chances that we will be able to play in full Vr geometry ? i know that cryengine games are highly tweakable with cvar and such, it would be so amazing if we could get it to work with vorpx day one !

    so if anyone manages to find a working geometry 3D profile for this game, let us know !


    Crysis 3 works for kcd very well with g3d


    I’ll look into it directly after release. As always I can’t promise anything beforehand, please keep that in mind, but gameplay wise the game looks like a potential good match for vorpX, so it’s worth to be checked out as soon as possible. I would suggest to hold off two or three days after release. An official profile with shader fixes etc. would definitely be better than a custom profile.


    that’s great news !

    thank you Ralf for looking into this soon :)

    and thank you Baktus, i will try crysis 3 profile with kcd and see how it goes.


    I ran Kingdom Come Deliverance in the Beta Demo about 1 year ago. I think I used Crisis 2 profile. Results were poor and the frame rate was bad. But the demo engine was shaky at best. I am sure the full release will be very different anyway. Will be interesting to try.


    in vorpx 18.1.0 (17/02/2018) we’ll have kingdom come deliverance in g3d!


    I just tried it by renaming the game’s .exe to Crysis3 (wouldn’t work with cloned profile) and it hooks and loads but only the HUD is in 3D. The HUD itself has depth but everything behind it is in 2D. Z3D doesn’t offer 3D either. Any work arounds?

    Great news to hear there’s going to be (might be?) an official profile as I think this would be an awesome game with VorpX …

    EDIT: KCD is running on Cryengine 4 and Crysis 3 is on the previous engine. Prey also runs on Cryengine 4 so I will try that next.


    i created a user.cfg and added a cli argument to the shortcut of the KCD .exe

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\user.cfg

    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Bin\Win64\KingdomCome.exe” +exec user.cfg

    Without vorpx the config file works well, but with vorpx its not working

    any ideas ?


    yes, you can use that user.cfg ingame, bring console up, and type exec user.cfg, that way you’ll be inside the game with vorpx already and you’ll be able to enjoy your tweaks, and dont forget to remove +exec user.Cfg in target field.

    to be honest i didnt try kcd with vorpx yet, i also use a custom user.cfg, so not sure if your issue is your side or a general one.

    the downside to this is that you will have to type exec user.cfg every time you start the game.


    its working now, big thx

    the most important things in user.cfg

    r_vsync 0

    r_antialiasingmode=3 (SMAA T2x !!!)


    the most important thing on the KCD.exe

    -heapsize x (depends on your Ram size)



    Has anyone actually verified these tweaks work yet? I tweak every game I play, but I often find that tweaks that supposedly improve, say, performance, often do nothing or can actually lower FPS …


    My system

    gtx 1070
    i5 6600k (@4,2Ghz)
    32GB Ram (@3.000Mhz)

    G3D works 30-45 FPS
    – user.cfg
    – “-heapsize 3145728”
    – low settings (all !)
    – 1600×1200

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