Kingdom Come Too Zoomed In?

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings Kingdom Come Too Zoomed In?

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    I’ve seen this before with some games. When I try to play Kingdom Come in full vr the image is zoomed in to the point that everything is like a fishbowl. Doing a direct VR scan does not change this and there are no FOV options available for this game in the vorpx menu.

    I’ve seen people say this is their favorite or one of their favorite games to play in vorpx so it must be fixable. How to do it?


    No one else has encountered this? I would try to fix it by adjusting FOV, but there is no FOV option in the vorpx menu …


    Please check whether you maybe disabled the DirectVR game settings optimization. If so, please re-enable it. FOV for this and many other games is handled by the settings optimizer not the memory scanner.

    If you are unsure whether you disabled it or not, try a full factory reset.

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