if you don’t heard about it: Virtual Desktop let you watch your desktop with the Rift. I downloaded it a few hours ago and tested it in combination with VorpX, both programs work good together. So it’s possible to launch games with this program, without having the commons problems, when Rift is set as primary monitor.
It’s not perfect and free to download, so why not give it a try? ;-)
FYI: I set Rift for primary display and tried to pull all desktop-shortcuts I need on the side, which is then displayed in the Rift: VorpX-Shortcut and the Sortcuts of the games I want to play. Then I started Vorpx in the virtual desktop mode and then the game. As I said, its not perfect, but it felt a bit more comfortabel than the usual way, when you have to close one eye, to see half of your monitor screen in the rift.