Can you provide a savegame? The issue didn’t occur at the beginning of the game when the profile was done, playing through entire games to catch all potential shader glitches is unfeasible unfortunately.
Please send the savegame to support |at| vorpx com.
For the time being you can switch to Z3D in the vorpX config app.
Can you provide a savegame? The issue didn’t occur at the beginning of the game when the profile was done, playing through entire games to catch all potential shader glitches is unfeasible unfortunately.
Please send the savegame to support |at| vorpx com.
For the time being you can switch to Z3D in the vorpX config app.
Hi Ralf,
It was a fresh install so I don’t have a save game. It happened when I started the first episode. I’ll see if I can get a video for you.