If you mean DirectVR, that’s actually a lot more than AFR 3D. DirectVR is a term I introduced some years ago for various techniques vorpX can use in more complex game profiles that do more than ‘just’ stereo 3d and head tracking.
In more than 150 games for example vorpX can automatically adjust FOV, resolution and other settings for a streamlined VR experience. Also there is the DirectVR memory scanner that provides direct access to a game’s internal camera for low latency 1:1 head tracking as in native games. That’t available for two or three dozen games. And so on. There even is an API for modders.
As far as the games in your list are concerned, those are extra special in that they come with game specific mods that do even more than ‘normal’ DirectVR games. E.g. automatically switching to EdgePeek in cutscenes, optimizing camera positions in vehicles for VR and so on.
TLDR: There’s A LOT more to vorpX than meets the casual observer’s eye. ;) I’m confident to say that it’s by a huge margin the most feature packed, advanced and versatile toolkit for bringing flat games to VR. A bit of a challenge to get that message across sometimes since what vorpX can do varies so heavily from game to game, but true nonetheless.