Please forget about that tool above, it didnt do its job properly. For the securom timeshift error please procees as described above manually.
Loki: Heroes of Mythology (G3D)
This is a serious hack n slay game like Sacred 2- You must fight yourself through millions of monsters. (VR makes them huge!) I played this with 3D vision before but VR makes a totally new experience out of it.
-you can get a profile from the cloud
As with 3D Vision the game has problems with menus rendered totally out of depth in Geoemetry mode with 3d Strength set.
–Turn OFF 3D in startmenu
-Nice 3D ingame.
-Cinama mode has been chosen because full VR didnt make sense with the headtracking sticking to screen
-The profile is a compromise beetween nice ingame 3D and menus rendered out of depth / grass partly beeing at wrong depth.
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2