Looking to learn a few things in Vorpx. Help?

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    Hello all

    I’ve been using vorpx for a few years now but I’d like to branch away from just the games that are on the Vorpx list of compatible games and perhaps learn how to get other games to work. Is it possible to get stereoscopic 3d games that are not on the list to work? I remember playing Harry Potter legos in Nvidia 3d and I remember reading that you can get games to work that use the same engine as other compatible games on the list. Can someone dumb it down for me as to how I can do that? I’ve read a few posts and watched a few vids but terms like “hook” are not in my vocab yet. I’m assuming it means launch?

    Does anyone have a link to a stereoscopic 3d list of available games for Vorpx? Searched but didn’t find a list. Thank you in advance.


    You can create profiles for games which may not be on the list, but you need to use an existing profile and copy it first. The profile has to be compatible with the game. Ie. the same engine, directx, unreal, etc. Some work, some won’t.
    Not sure there is any other way to do it. It has to have some 3D first to actually start tweaking the profile with the built in “shader tools” you can find in the help.
    Hooking refers to Vorpx getting its hooks in the exe and being able to display it in the HMD. If it hooks, you will see the VORPX logo on the screen and the game will show in the HMD.


    Ahhh ok so if I use a profile on the vorpx list such as another lego game that might have the same engine and direct x, I copy that profile and then try to run my other lego game and attempt to turn on the 3d in the game options once the game loads? Did I understand that correctly? That simple definition of “hooking” makes sense now. Thanks!!!


    sometimes even games running on different engines work in Z3D.
    for example before official shadow of the tomb raider profile, i was able to run the game in Z3D using conan exile profile and it’s been the case for some others games (with various vorpx profiles) :D
    dont ask me why, i guess it’s vorpx magic haha.

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