Lotro Hooking

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    The first time I loaded up Lotro it hooked to my oculus. I couldn’t get it to go into 3d so I closed it out and tried to make a profile using skyrim and hooking it to one the 4 executables for lotro but none of them seem to work. In the rift I just get the message “Sorry Lotro is taking a long time to load etc.” Even after deleting the profile Lotro still doesn’t hook.

    Anyone know which executable is the right one to hook? TurbineInvoker seems to give the right icon for Rift but none of the 4 seem to hook right now.

    Also anyone found a good profile copy or mind putting their Lotro profile on the cloud?

    (Haven’t tried Oculus beta’s, setting that up now)


    I got it hooking (Lotroclient.exe), and I got 3d working (I think it must be in Dx9). However the mouse is off set in cinema mode. My mouse is only moving within the perimeter of my real monitor and not reaching the edge of the cinema.


    Changed gamehud scale to 1.00 and fixed the mouse offset. Will keep tweaking this and make a public profile.

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