Finally found some G3D for Max 😃, and it’s been worth the effort. Only getting HUD in one eye, but the rest fixes up nicely. Look for it on the cloud. Best played in fullVR.
If mismatch shadows bother you, edit and save:
Steam\steamapps\common\Mad Max\settings.ini
For best FOV:
– use 4:3 resolution (1920×1440)
And use game’s Capture Mode once loaded into game world:
– C + X, then R to open video mode
– Camera settings tab, slide FOV to max
– HUD tab, turn ON for waypoints
– Hit Enter twice to apply
*Capture Mode breaks binocular/sniper vision, temp disable if stuck
*Use Disable 3D hotkey for navigating menus
*Dont forget V key to try first person driving