I finally managed to get vorpx working with automobilista and it’s great ! But I have one problem there’s a magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen probably to use with in game menus with the rift. But I can’t seem to make it disappears. I don’t even know if it’s only a magnifyinf glass or a second scrolling window and it disappears sometimes but always come back on. I want to get rid of it; any idea how to do ?
If the magnifier goes on and off your magnifier hotkey setting is probably using a key that you press during game play. you can re configure the magnifier key to any other key on your keyboard, therefore go to the VorpX config app and under In-Game Key Bindings check which key is assigned to “Magnifier”. Re-assigning it to a key that your game does not use should solve this.
i think magnifying glass is bound to clicking mouse wheel button by default, just rebind the vorpx function inside the vorpx configuration binding section.