Major problems in Skyrim. Suggestions?

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    Ok I don’t know where to start, but i’m having major problems in Skyrim!

    1) No textures are loading. Everything is black and white.
    2) Stereo convergence is way off, leaving 90% of the image doubled
    3) If I load an existing save, I have no tracking at all.
    4) If I try to start a new game, I get to the character creation part but for some reason can’t actually progress through the creation options.


    That sound really odd. Might make sense to reinstall Skyrim, especially if you use mods. Some mods may conflict with vorpX (especially so called ENB mods and possibly some mods that use the Skyrim Script Extender).

    Also please disable your gamepad in Skyrims game options if you have one connected. Skyrim disables the mouse with a gamepad connected which also disables vorpX’s head tracking.


    I am using a few VR friendly mods, and that includes the script extender. Is VorpX not compatible with it? Several of the mods to make the menus usable in VR require it.


    I can see it but…

    Positional tracking is not working.
    I changed FOV as you suggested but I can´t see the edges, so it´s impossible to use the menus.
    Big judder too.
    Anybody with better luck?
    Are you setting anything into vorxp menu ingame?


    Can´t see the edges: Please check the documentaion (quick reference). vorpX has an feature called EdgePeek specifically to address this.

    Positional Tracking: Make sure Geometry 3D is enabled (should be per default).

    Big judder: Skyrim is a very taxing game. Outside It usually runs well below the 60fps that you need for fluent VR when Geometry 3D, nothing vorpX can do about that. Try lowering details, deinstalling mods etc. Also Z-Buffer 3D might be worth a try (twice as fast, but ‘less’ 3D). Does not have positional tracking though.


    Ok not using the script extender fixes the texture issues. All other issues still remain. Bad convergence, UI errors, etc.


    Yes, the bigger problem for me is that i can´t view all the screen, i can´t read the dialogs and answer the questions…. can anybody help me? is any kind of dk2 setting or vorpx related, i tried to change the lens all way out and all way in but no helps….


    Excuse me Ralph, you answered me when i was writting the post.


    @ jwvanderbeck : Try reinstalling Skyrim. The game is running for such a long time with vorpX on so many machines that it’s relatively safe to say that there isn’t a general issue with this game and vorpX.

    You can also try to do a factory reset in the vorpX config app, in case you have messed with settings a lot.

    And last but not least: Check whether you are using an Oculus profile in the vorpX config app. This is buggy currently (see the above sticky).


    I had a problem with the convergence and had to manually adjust the IPD in the in-game menu. The normal value I use was way off, I had to lower it from 65 to 62 or 63. Even then the closer I get to things the more off the convergence is. Also, is there a way to change the scale of your hands/weapons? they look massive and it seems weird.

    Keep up the good work Ralf, it’s getting there.


    Yes, the bigger problem for me is that i can´t view all the screen, i can´t read the dialogs and answer the questions…. can anybody help me? is any kind of dk2 setting or vorpx related, i tried to change the lens all way out and all way in but no helps….

    If you use the vorpx in-game menu (DEL key) you can select the display menu and adjust the UI scale to help see things


    You can use a mod to address this if it bothers you, at least if I’m not mistaken. I’m not 100% sure but I think ‘immersive first person’ or something similar to that.

    For some reason hands and weapos are rendered separate from the rest of the world and they aren’t easy to detect inside vorpX.


    @ jwvanderbeck : Try reinstalling Skyrim. The game is running for such a long time with vorpX on so many machines that it’s relatively safe to say that there isn’t a general issue with this game and vorpX.

    You can also try to do a factory reset in the vorpX config app, in case you have messed with settings a lot.

    And last but not least: Check whether you are using an Oculus profile in the vorpX config app. This is buggy currently (see the above sticky).

    I was using an Oculus profile. I’ll try again tomorrow without one.

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