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  • #167915

    Is there a manual anywhere with details on what every setting does? Or a wiki maybe?


    not really but this guy has great tutorials


    I was just about to post that very video. That guy is a life saver. Make sure to check out if he’s made any videos on games you want to play. I highly recommend trying a game you know is gonna work to get a feel for the program. One of the reasons why Vorpx sometimes gets a bad rep, is because people want to get fairly unsupported games working without knowing how to set it up in the first place.


    Thanks for the replies guys :)

    Would be nice if the developer had a rundown on each option. Maybe a wiki or something.

    It’s a bit rough having to pay £35 then have to root around google for instructions….


    With today i am starting a User-Wiki :

    Fist step is to collect screenshots of the VorpX ingame menu. From this will start writing a wiki for each setting. I have no idea how to take them. :-/

    Please note: my knowledge of vorpX is still relatively poor so any imaginable help will be appreciated.

    please use this email for submissions VorpX Wiki submissions

    Changes will be made immideately after a new submission has arrived


    Since version 17.3.0. there are tooltips directly in the menu for almost all settings that briefly explain what they do.


    I know Ralf and a i wanted to use them as a base of a small wiki, but for that i would need some sceenshots first.

    May be i should have asked you before. If you have any doubts on this of coarse i will withdraw my intention. Would you mind ?


    I do think that a user wiki is a really fantastic idea in regard to practical tips for games that vorpX can’t handle fully automated, although the list of those will get shorter and shorter with every new release.

    If you want it to be something more technical, that’s a different story though. For one almost noone will read that – most folks didn’t even read the very short basic guides in the help when that was still necessary to get going. And secondly it would contain errors with 100% certainty which means I would have to proofread/correct everything in the end.


    Thanks Ralf,

    will get shorter and shorter with every new release.

    Beating the 3D Vision List one day would be something ;-)

    and, yes i know what you mean. Thats the same thing as when the users dont read the terms befor signing into a website. They just dont read it. Then a huge amount of users buy something, try it, leave it alone, this is how it goes with many products in main. On the other hand there are useres like me who want to get absolute control over something like your great software. (Thats why i suggested a preset editor or something likely before, so intense users can dig more deeply in their 2000+ game “VR” collection ;-)

    Ill see if anyone will respond to this. In the main i am trying to write this wiki for myself for a better use of VorpX, so why not sharing it.

    Hope some guys will help me .



    I havent received any help yet on this, though i started something like a “How to”, may be this way i can collect some “how tos” or other stuff.

    The “Wiki” can be found here now:


    ..some time later.. i finally have made some screenshots of the ingame menus. I am partly done with the descriptions of the single menu entries, but since i am not a controller man and i havent used any gamepads ect. that part is still missing.

    So i am asking you guys for your kind help on this, from the “VorpX input settings” downwards a lot of entries are still empty, i would appreciate any help , just submit (top of the page) what you have for the memnu entries that could suit there.

    Thank you

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