Mass Effect Legendary Edition

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  • #205203

    I bought ME Legendary yesterday on Steam and installed it. When I tried to log in I also must start my origin account. So I did and the game is playable.

    Then I quit the game, started VorPx and launched the game. First of all it seems to start first without VorPx and a few seconds later with VorPx, so there are two instances started.

    With the VorPx version no profile seems to hook so I need to configure all myself. I tried that but with not much success. The result is just not impressive. Someone recommended 4:3 resolution what I also did, but then I get only a smaller window.

    So can someone give some advice how to have the best possible game experiemce here?


    up, is game 3 playable with vorpx, legendary ed.

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