«MechWarrior Online» native support

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings «MechWarrior Online» native support

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  • #194525

    The game «MechWarrior Online» has support for the TrackIR Protocol, which allows us to turn head in the cockpit. However, to transmit data about turns and movement of the VR-headset, we must use additional software, such as «OpenTrack», where the data source is specified as «Oculus Rift runtime» or «Valve SteamVR». Are there plans to add support for the TrackIR Protocol to «vorpX» so that there is no need to use additional software?

    I would like also to see a native profile created in «vorpX» for «MechWarrior Online». Now, the profile for this game has to be created on the basis of «Crysis 2» or «Crysis 3», but they are not optimal for «MechWarrior Online». Don’t forget «MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries».


    MechWarrior 5 runs on the Unreal Engine and also does not support head tracking at all, unfortunately.
    On top of that it uses DirectX 12 which are currently not supported by VorpX.

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