First time in my life i got into serious trouble with the aspect of “Lifetime Estimation” (but who would probably not with all these games and VorpX
Mercenaries 2 ( Mercenaries 2: World in Flames) (G3D)
Serious 3rd Person Shooter from 2008.
Warning: Game was crashing with lots of VorpX errors when changing contoller settings or cinema mode backgound image, so best if you keep these settings untouched. Game is not the most stable one with VorpX but once settings are made it should run well.
– Turn OFF shadows and other effects like motion blur !
– Game is optimized for cinema modes (default setting)
– Looks good in FULL VR with headtracking too
– Use camera height for better 3rd person view
– If game shows vorpX logo, but not in headset, delete Mercs2.ini and restart configuration
– Profile available at the cloud