Messiah (D3D and Glide) – G3D/Z3D
This is the first game that i got running in multiple modes with different renderers, very interesting ! You can run this game in D3D (G3D/Z3D) and Glide (Z3D), where in my opinion GLIDE looks the best. Haha who thought Glide would come into VR one day .-)
The D3D Renderer works stable in SAFE MODE, but doesnt seem to have sound, you may edit the safemode .bat to get the sound back. With G3D certain objects are at HUD depth only, so i recommend Z3D or dont even bother with D3D, just run the game with the Glide Renderer (MessiahGlide3x).
Requires DGVoodoo2 v2.6 , throw the Glide dlls and the D3D dlls into the games folder, set both Glide and D3D to max memory and “force resolution” to the max, eg. 2880×1620 etc.
IMRORTANT: If your graphics look blurry in GLIDE mode, choose a higher ingame resolution at 32 bit and force resolution with DGVoodoo2 also. If you encounter one eye become dark, go back to main menu and restart game.
– Optimized for Cinema Modes
– Full VR w. Headtracking available !
– Running GLIDE Z3D recommended
– Profile available at the cloud