none of the profiles work. but I got it to run greatly in 3D with Vorpx viewer (turn off monitoring when you launching)
My steps:
– in Steam I unchecked the box : Enable the steam overlay while in game
– downloaded DXVK from this website
– extracted in the directory , copied the set file into same directory like theh exe as well as all 64 dll files.
– tested without reshade, game starts
run reshade 4.9.1 , only that version works X95
– selected mgsvtpp.exe in application
– selected vulcan
installed Superdept3dvr+fx
There is also a hint that on start up another active document has to be open. Test it. I think it runs for me withoiut that part.
if not, open a word document and start the game and quickly change to the word document and type something inside so its an ACTIVE document open and game starts in background.